elinos Namespace Reference


def warn
def get_elinos_environment
def elinos_init

Function Documentation

Initialize debugger environment for ELinOS.

Let the debugger know where to find the ELinOS libraries on host. This
assumes that an ELinOS environment is properly set up. If some environment
variables are missing, warn about which library may be missing.

Definition at line 58 of file

Return the ELinOS environment.

If the ELinOS environment is properly set up, return a dictionary
which contains:
  * The path to the ELinOS project at key 'project';
  * The path to the ELinOS CDK at key 'cdk';
  * The ELinOS target name at key 'target' (Eg. 'i486-linux');
  * A list of Xenomai install prefixes (which could be empty, if
    the ELinOS project does not include Xenomai) at key 'xenomai'.

If one of these cannot be found, print a warning; the corresponding
value in the returned dictionary will be None.

Definition at line 27 of file

def elinos::warn (   msg)

Definition at line 23 of file

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