#include "defs.h"
#include "gdb_string.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "expression.h"
#include "value.h"
#include "parser-defs.h"
#include "language.h"
#include "c-lang.h"
#include "bfd.h"
#include "symfile.h"
#include "objfiles.h"
#include "charset.h"
#include "block.h"
#include "cp-support.h"
#include "dfp.h"
#include "gdb_assert.h"
#include "macroscope.h"
#include "objc-lang.h"
#include "typeprint.h"
#include "cp-abi.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | YYBISON 1 |
#define | YYBISON_VERSION "2.5" |
#define | YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c" |
#define | YYPURE 0 |
#define | YYPUSH 0 |
#define | YYPULL 1 |
#define | YYLSP_NEEDED 0 |
#define | parse_type builtin_type (parse_gdbarch) |
#define | yymaxdepth c_maxdepth |
#define | yyparse c_parse_internal |
#define | yylex c_lex |
#define | yyerror c_error |
#define | yylval c_lval |
#define | yychar c_char |
#define | yydebug c_debug |
#define | yypact c_pact |
#define | yyr1 c_r1 |
#define | yyr2 c_r2 |
#define | yydef c_def |
#define | yychk c_chk |
#define | yypgo c_pgo |
#define | yyact c_act |
#define | yyexca c_exca |
#define | yyerrflag c_errflag |
#define | yynerrs c_nerrs |
#define | yyps c_ps |
#define | yypv c_pv |
#define | yys c_s |
#define | yy_yys c_yys |
#define | yystate c_state |
#define | yytmp c_tmp |
#define | yyv c_v |
#define | yy_yyv c_yyv |
#define | yyval c_val |
#define | yylloc c_lloc |
#define | yyreds c_reds /* With YYDEBUG defined */ |
#define | yytoks c_toks /* With YYDEBUG defined */ |
#define | yyname c_name /* With YYDEBUG defined */ |
#define | yyrule c_rule /* With YYDEBUG defined */ |
#define | yylhs c_yylhs |
#define | yylen c_yylen |
#define | yydefred c_yydefred |
#define | yydgoto c_yydgoto |
#define | yysindex c_yysindex |
#define | yyrindex c_yyrindex |
#define | yygindex c_yygindex |
#define | yytable c_yytable |
#define | yycheck c_yycheck |
#define | yyss c_yyss |
#define | yysslim c_yysslim |
#define | yyssp c_yyssp |
#define | yystacksize c_yystacksize |
#define | yyvs c_yyvs |
#define | yyvsp c_yyvsp |
#define | YYDEBUG 1 /* Default to yydebug support */ |
#define | YYFPRINTF parser_fprintf |
#define | YYERROR_VERBOSE 0 |
#define | YYTOKEN_TABLE 0 |
#define | YYTOKENTYPE |
#define | INT 258 |
#define | FLOAT 259 |
#define | DECFLOAT 260 |
#define | STRING 261 |
#define | NSSTRING 262 |
#define | SELECTOR 263 |
#define | CHAR 264 |
#define | NAME 265 |
#define | UNKNOWN_CPP_NAME 266 |
#define | COMPLETE 267 |
#define | TYPENAME 268 |
#define | CLASSNAME 269 |
#define | OBJC_LBRAC 270 |
#define | NAME_OR_INT 271 |
#define | OPERATOR 272 |
#define | STRUCT 273 |
#define | CLASS 274 |
#define | UNION 275 |
#define | ENUM 276 |
#define | SIZEOF 277 |
#define | UNSIGNED 278 |
#define | COLONCOLON 279 |
#define | TEMPLATE 280 |
#define | ERROR 281 |
#define | NEW 282 |
#define | DELETE 283 |
#define | REINTERPRET_CAST 284 |
#define | DYNAMIC_CAST 285 |
#define | STATIC_CAST 286 |
#define | CONST_CAST 287 |
#define | ENTRY 288 |
#define | TYPEOF 289 |
#define | DECLTYPE 290 |
#define | TYPEID 291 |
#define | SIGNED_KEYWORD 292 |
#define | LONG 293 |
#define | SHORT 294 |
#define | INT_KEYWORD 295 |
#define | CONST_KEYWORD 296 |
#define | VOLATILE_KEYWORD 297 |
#define | DOUBLE_KEYWORD 298 |
#define | VARIABLE 299 |
#define | ASSIGN_MODIFY 300 |
#define | TRUEKEYWORD 301 |
#define | FALSEKEYWORD 302 |
#define | ABOVE_COMMA 303 |
#define | OROR 304 |
#define | ANDAND 305 |
#define | NOTEQUAL 306 |
#define | EQUAL 307 |
#define | GEQ 308 |
#define | LEQ 309 |
#define | RSH 310 |
#define | LSH 311 |
#define | DECREMENT 312 |
#define | INCREMENT 313 |
#define | UNARY 314 |
#define | DOT_STAR 315 |
#define | ARROW_STAR 316 |
#define | ARROW 317 |
#define | BLOCKNAME 318 |
#define | FILENAME 319 |
#define | DOTDOTDOT 320 |
#define | YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 |
#define | yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */ |
#define | YYPRINT(FILE, TYPE, VALUE) c_print_token (FILE, TYPE, VALUE) |
#define | YYSIZE_T unsigned int |
#define | YYSIZE_MAXIMUM ((YYSIZE_T) -1) |
#define | YY_(msgid) msgid |
#define | YYUSE(e) ((void) (e)) |
#define | YYID(n) (n) |
#define | YYMALLOC xmalloc |
#define | YYFREE xfree |
#define | YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM (sizeof (union yyalloc) - 1) |
#define | YYSTACK_BYTES(N) |
#define | YYCOPY_NEEDED 1 |
#define | YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack_alloc, Stack) |
#define | YYCOPY(To, From, Count) |
#define | YYFINAL 167 |
#define | YYLAST 1734 |
#define | YYNTOKENS 90 |
#define | YYNNTS 46 |
#define | YYNRULES 260 |
#define | YYNSTATES 413 |
#define | YYUNDEFTOK 2 |
#define | YYMAXUTOK 320 |
#define | YYTRANSLATE(YYX) ((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK) |
#define | YYPACT_NINF -214 |
#define | YYTABLE_NINF -121 |
#define | yypact_value_is_default(yystate) ((yystate) == (-214)) |
#define | yytable_value_is_error(yytable_value) YYID (0) |
#define | yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0) |
#define | yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY) |
#define | YYEMPTY (-2) |
#define | YYEOF 0 |
#define | YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab |
#define | YYABORT goto yyabortlab |
#define | YYERROR goto yyerrorlab |
#define | YYFAIL goto yyerrlab |
#define | YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus) |
#define | YYBACKUP(Token, Value) |
#define | YYTERROR 1 |
#define | YYERRCODE 256 |
#define | YYRHSLOC(Rhs, K) ((Rhs)[K]) |
#define | YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) |
#define | YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) ((void) 0) |
#define | YYLEX yylex () |
#define | YYDPRINTF(Args) |
#define | YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) |
#define | YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top) |
#define | YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) |
#define | YYINITDEPTH 200 |
#define | YYMAXDEPTH 10000 |
#define | YYPOPSTACK(N) (yyvsp -= (N), yyssp -= (N)) |
Typedefs | |
typedef union YYSTYPE | YYSTYPE |
typedef unsigned char | yytype_uint8 |
typedef short int | yytype_int8 |
typedef unsigned short int | yytype_uint16 |
typedef short int | yytype_int16 |
Enumerations | |
enum | yytokentype { INT = 258, NULL_PTR = 259, CHARLIT = 260, FLOAT = 261, TRUEKEYWORD = 262, FALSEKEYWORD = 263, COLONCOLON = 264, STRING = 265, NAME = 266, DOT_ID = 267, DOT_ALL = 268, SPECIAL_VARIABLE = 269, ASSIGN = 270, ELSE = 271, THEN = 272, XOR = 273, OR = 274, _AND_ = 275, DOTDOT = 276, IN = 277, GEQ = 278, LEQ = 279, NOTEQUAL = 280, UNARY = 281, REM = 282, MOD = 283, NOT = 284, ABS = 285, STARSTAR = 286, VAR = 287, ARROW = 288, TICK_LENGTH = 289, TICK_LAST = 290, TICK_FIRST = 291, TICK_ADDRESS = 292, TICK_ACCESS = 293, TICK_MODULUS = 294, TICK_MIN = 295, TICK_MAX = 296, TICK_VAL = 297, TICK_TAG = 298, TICK_SIZE = 299, TICK_RANGE = 300, TICK_POS = 301, NEW = 302, OTHERS = 303, INT = 258, FLOAT = 259, DECFLOAT = 260, STRING = 261, NSSTRING = 262, SELECTOR = 263, CHAR = 264, NAME = 265, UNKNOWN_CPP_NAME = 266, COMPLETE = 267, TYPENAME = 268, CLASSNAME = 269, OBJC_LBRAC = 270, NAME_OR_INT = 271, OPERATOR = 272, STRUCT = 273, CLASS = 274, UNION = 275, ENUM = 276, SIZEOF = 277, UNSIGNED = 278, COLONCOLON = 279, TEMPLATE = 280, ERROR = 281, NEW = 282, DELETE = 283, REINTERPRET_CAST = 284, DYNAMIC_CAST = 285, STATIC_CAST = 286, CONST_CAST = 287, ENTRY = 288, TYPEOF = 289, DECLTYPE = 290, TYPEID = 291, SIGNED_KEYWORD = 292, LONG = 293, SHORT = 294, INT_KEYWORD = 295, CONST_KEYWORD = 296, VOLATILE_KEYWORD = 297, DOUBLE_KEYWORD = 298, VARIABLE = 299, ASSIGN_MODIFY = 300, TRUEKEYWORD = 301, FALSEKEYWORD = 302, ABOVE_COMMA = 303, OROR = 304, ANDAND = 305, NOTEQUAL = 306, EQUAL = 307, GEQ = 308, LEQ = 309, RSH = 310, LSH = 311, DECREMENT = 312, INCREMENT = 313, UNARY = 314, DOT_STAR = 315, ARROW_STAR = 316, ARROW = 317, BLOCKNAME = 318, FILENAME = 319, DOTDOTDOT = 320, INT = 258, FLOAT = 259, NAME = 260, STRUCT = 261, CLASS = 262, UNION = 263, ENUM = 264, SIZEOF = 265, UNSIGNED = 266, COLONCOLON = 267, TEMPLATE = 268, ERROR = 269, NEW = 270, DELETE = 271, OPERATOR = 272, STATIC_CAST = 273, REINTERPRET_CAST = 274, DYNAMIC_CAST = 275, SIGNED_KEYWORD = 276, LONG = 277, SHORT = 278, INT_KEYWORD = 279, CONST_KEYWORD = 280, VOLATILE_KEYWORD = 281, DOUBLE_KEYWORD = 282, BOOL = 283, ELLIPSIS = 284, RESTRICT = 285, VOID = 286, FLOAT_KEYWORD = 287, CHAR = 288, WCHAR_T = 289, ASSIGN_MODIFY = 290, TRUEKEYWORD = 291, FALSEKEYWORD = 292, DEMANGLER_SPECIAL = 293, CONSTRUCTION_VTABLE = 294, CONSTRUCTION_IN = 295, OROR = 296, ANDAND = 297, NOTEQUAL = 298, EQUAL = 299, GEQ = 300, LEQ = 301, RSH = 302, LSH = 303, DECREMENT = 304, INCREMENT = 305, UNARY = 306, ARROW = 307, INT = 258, FLOAT = 259, STRING_LITERAL = 260, BOOLEAN_LITERAL = 261, NAME = 262, TYPENAME = 263, NAME_OR_INT = 264, SIZEOF = 265, ERROR = 266, INT_KEYWORD = 267, INT_S2_KEYWORD = 268, LOGICAL_S1_KEYWORD = 269, LOGICAL_S2_KEYWORD = 270, LOGICAL_S8_KEYWORD = 271, LOGICAL_KEYWORD = 272, REAL_KEYWORD = 273, REAL_S8_KEYWORD = 274, REAL_S16_KEYWORD = 275, COMPLEX_S8_KEYWORD = 276, COMPLEX_S16_KEYWORD = 277, COMPLEX_S32_KEYWORD = 278, BOOL_AND = 279, BOOL_OR = 280, BOOL_NOT = 281, CHARACTER = 282, VARIABLE = 283, ASSIGN_MODIFY = 284, ABOVE_COMMA = 285, NOTEQUAL = 286, EQUAL = 287, GEQ = 288, LEQ = 289, GREATERTHAN = 290, LESSTHAN = 291, RSH = 292, LSH = 293, STARSTAR = 294, UNARY = 295, INT = 258, FLOAT = 259, RAW_STRING = 260, STRING = 261, CHAR = 262, NAME = 263, TYPENAME = 264, COMPLETE = 265, NAME_OR_INT = 266, TRUE_KEYWORD = 267, FALSE_KEYWORD = 268, STRUCT_KEYWORD = 269, INTERFACE_KEYWORD = 270, TYPE_KEYWORD = 271, CHAN_KEYWORD = 272, SIZEOF_KEYWORD = 273, LEN_KEYWORD = 274, CAP_KEYWORD = 275, NEW_KEYWORD = 276, IOTA_KEYWORD = 277, NIL_KEYWORD = 278, CONST_KEYWORD = 279, DOTDOTDOT = 280, ENTRY = 281, ERROR = 282, BYTE_KEYWORD = 283, DOLLAR_VARIABLE = 284, ASSIGN_MODIFY = 285, ABOVE_COMMA = 286, OROR = 287, ANDAND = 288, ANDNOT = 289, NOTEQUAL = 290, EQUAL = 291, GEQ = 292, LEQ = 293, RSH = 294, LSH = 295, DECREMENT = 296, INCREMENT = 297, UNARY = 298, LEFT_ARROW = 299, INTEGER_LITERAL = 258, FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL = 259, IDENTIFIER = 260, STRING_LITERAL = 261, BOOLEAN_LITERAL = 262, TYPENAME = 263, NAME_OR_INT = 264, ERROR = 265, LONG = 266, SHORT = 267, BYTE = 268, INT = 269, CHAR = 270, BOOLEAN = 271, DOUBLE = 272, FLOAT = 273, VARIABLE = 274, ASSIGN_MODIFY = 275, SUPER = 276, NEW = 277, OROR = 278, ANDAND = 279, NOTEQUAL = 280, EQUAL = 281, GEQ = 282, LEQ = 283, RSH = 284, LSH = 285, DECREMENT = 286, INCREMENT = 287, INT = 258, HEX = 259, ERROR = 260, UINT = 261, M2_TRUE = 262, M2_FALSE = 263, CHAR = 264, FLOAT = 265, STRING = 266, NAME = 267, BLOCKNAME = 268, IDENT = 269, VARNAME = 270, TYPENAME = 271, SIZE = 272, CAP = 273, ORD = 274, HIGH = 275, ABS = 276, MIN_FUNC = 277, MAX_FUNC = 278, FLOAT_FUNC = 279, VAL = 280, CHR = 281, ODD = 282, TRUNC = 283, TSIZE = 284, INC = 285, DEC = 286, INCL = 287, EXCL = 288, COLONCOLON = 289, INTERNAL_VAR = 290, ABOVE_COMMA = 291, ASSIGN = 292, IN = 293, NOTEQUAL = 294, GEQ = 295, LEQ = 296, OROR = 297, LOGICAL_AND = 298, MOD = 299, DIV = 300, UNARY = 301, DOT = 302, NOT = 303, QID = 304, INT = 258, FLOAT = 259, STRING = 260, FIELDNAME = 261, COMPLETE = 262, NAME = 263, TYPENAME = 264, NAME_OR_INT = 265, STRUCT = 266, CLASS = 267, SIZEOF = 268, COLONCOLON = 269, ERROR = 270, VARIABLE = 271, THIS = 272, TRUEKEYWORD = 273, FALSEKEYWORD = 274, ABOVE_COMMA = 275, ASSIGN = 276, NOT = 277, OR = 278, XOR = 279, ANDAND = 280, NOTEQUAL = 281, GEQ = 282, LEQ = 283, MOD = 284, DIV = 285, RSH = 286, LSH = 287, DECREMENT = 288, INCREMENT = 289, UNARY = 290, ARROW = 291, BLOCKNAME = 292 } |
enum | token_flags { FLAG_CXX = 1, FLAG_SHADOW = 2 } |
Functions | |
int | yyparse (void) |
void | yyerror (char *) |
int | c_parse_escape (const char **ptr, struct obstack *output) |
DEF_VEC_O (token_and_value) | |
int | c_parse (void) |
Variables | |
int | yydebug |
int | yychar |
YYSTYPE | yylval |
int | yynerrs |
#define ABOVE_COMMA 303 |
#define ARROW_STAR 316 |
#define ASSIGN_MODIFY 300 |
#define COLONCOLON 279 |
#define CONST_CAST 287 |
#define CONST_KEYWORD 296 |
#define DOUBLE_KEYWORD 298 |
#define DYNAMIC_CAST 285 |
#define FALSEKEYWORD 302 |
#define INT_KEYWORD 295 |
#define NAME_OR_INT 271 |
#define OBJC_LBRAC 270 |
#define parse_type builtin_type (parse_gdbarch) |
#define REINTERPRET_CAST 284 |
#define SIGNED_KEYWORD 292 |
#define STATIC_CAST 286 |
#define TRUEKEYWORD 301 |
#define UNKNOWN_CPP_NAME 266 |
#define VOLATILE_KEYWORD 297 |
#define YY_LOCATION_PRINT | ( | File, | |
Loc | |||
) | ((void) 0) |
#define YY_REDUCE_PRINT | ( | Rule | ) |
#define YY_STACK_PRINT | ( | Bottom, | |
Top | |||
) |
#define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT | ( | Title, | |
Type, | |||
Value, | |||
Location | |||
) |
#define YYBACKUP | ( | Token, | |
Value | |||
) |
#define YYBISON_VERSION "2.5" |
#define YYCOPY | ( | To, | |
From, | |||
Count | |||
) |
#define YYCOPY_NEEDED 1 |
#define YYDPRINTF | ( | Args | ) |
#define YYFPRINTF parser_fprintf |
#define YYINITDEPTH 200 |
#define YYLLOC_DEFAULT | ( | Current, | |
Rhs, | |||
N | |||
) |
do \ if (YYID (N)) \ { \ (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_line; \ (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_column; \ (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_line; \ (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_column; \ } \ else \ { \ (Current).first_line = (Current).last_line = \ YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line; \ (Current).first_column = (Current).last_column = \ YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column; \ } \ while (YYID (0))
#define YYLSP_NEEDED 0 |
#define yymaxdepth c_maxdepth |
#define YYMAXDEPTH 10000 |
#define YYPACT_NINF -214 |
#define yypact_value_is_default | ( | yystate | ) | ((yystate) == (-214)) |
#define YYPOPSTACK | ( | N | ) | (yyvsp -= (N), yyssp -= (N)) |
#define YYPRINT | ( | FILE, | |
TYPE, | |||
VALUE | |||
) | c_print_token (FILE, TYPE, VALUE) |
#define YYRECOVERING | ( | ) | (!!yyerrstatus) |
#define YYSIZE_MAXIMUM ((YYSIZE_T) -1) |
#define YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c" |
#define YYSTACK_BYTES | ( | N | ) |
((N) * (sizeof (yytype_int16) + sizeof (YYSTYPE)) \ + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM)
#define YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM (sizeof (union yyalloc) - 1) |
#define YYSTACK_RELOCATE | ( | Stack_alloc, | |
Stack | |||
) |
do \ { \ YYSIZE_T yynewbytes; \ YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack_alloc, Stack, yysize); \ Stack = &yyptr->Stack_alloc; \ yynewbytes = yystacksize * sizeof (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \ yyptr += yynewbytes / sizeof (*yyptr); \ } \ while (YYID (0))
#define yystacksize c_yystacksize |
#define YYTABLE_NINF -121 |
#define yytable_value_is_error | ( | yytable_value | ) | YYID (0) |
#define YYTOKEN_TABLE 0 |
#define YYTRANSLATE | ( | YYX | ) | ((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK) |
#define YYUNDEFTOK 2 |
typedef short int yytype_int16 |
typedef short int yytype_int8 |
typedef unsigned short int yytype_uint16 |
typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8 |
enum token_flags |
enum yytokentype |
int c_parse_escape | ( | const char ** | ptr, |
struct obstack * | output | ||
) |
DEF_VEC_O | ( | token_and_value | ) |
void yyerror | ( | char * | msg | ) |